Tag Archives: stay-at-home mom

The Significance of a Year: Milestones During Preschool Drop-Off

I dropped off my oldest daughter at preschool the other morning and noticed something I had seen before, during a…

Working from Home: Family Balance

Update: Katie has been working from home since June, 2011 and added another baby in November, 2014. Life is busier…

Why Workplace Flexibility Makes Economic Sense

Workplace flexibility would bring more money to businesses, families There are moms that work, and moms that stay at home.…

Adjusting to Life at Home with Two under Two

Hi fellow moms!  Katie mentioned the idea of me blogging, and I decided to give it a go!  I am…

Library Love: Endings and Beginnings at Story Time

My oldest daughter was not quite a year old when we began our relationship with the library. I was still…

Time Reclaimed: What We Learned On Our Own

  All smiles on her first day of Pre-K When my first daughter was younger she went to daycare. It…

The Stay-At-Home Parent: Emotional Considerations

Many decisions define who we are as parents. Breastfeeding or formula. Disposable diapers or cloth. Co-sleep or use a crib.…

The Stay-At-Home Parent: Financial Considerations

The biggest and most important decision faced by any parent or parents of young children is the question of child…