Tag Archives: parenting

Raising ADHD Kids: 5 Tips for Parents

My 5-year-old is a spunky, energetic, happy little boy! We realized he had some speech and other delays when he…

8 Signs You Have a Threenager in Your Home

People are always quick to complain about the terrible twos and the struggles that come with that year of a…

Three Ways I’m a Better Mom than You

Mommy wars are all about which moms are the best, right? So, here it is, finally, an honest to goodness…

The Uncertainty Principle: When My Kids Crashed Senior Citizen Night

You never know what to expect when you’re raising small humans. Kids do unexpected things (uncertainty principle definition to follow),…

5 Things to Never Say to a New Mom

Maybe you mean well, but there are some things you should just never say to a new mom. Ahhhh. You…

What I Thought Before I Had Kids …

I have always been pretty open-minded about different ways people choose to parent. I’m under the firm belief that there isn’t…

Mom Confessions: What Are Your Guilty Secrets?

I think all moms have a few little mom secrets about parenting and how we really live our lives. None of…

Five Parenting Trends of 2014: What Does the Future Hold?

Looking back at this year, I’ve compiled a list of parenting trends, both good and bad. What’s next for parenting? That, I don’t know, but…

Four Things Motherhood Taught Me

Kids are great. There’s nothing that compares to the feeling of love you get when your little one gives you…

Therapeutic Limit Setting: Using Play Therapy at Home

Back in March, our school district put on a free two-week seminar to help parents deal with behavioral issues in…