Tag Archives: life lessons

Facing my Fears after Pregnancy Loss

I want to talk about fears. We all have them. We all have ways of coping with or ignoring them.…

An Inconvenient Pregnancy

None of my three pregnancies have been planned. My first was the result of a short-lived relationship following an awful…

13 Things I Learned from my Sick Child

First,  I need to preface this by saying I am beyond grateful that my sick child does not have a serious…

The Fuchsia Sock

As we were leaving the hotel and heading our car toward north for home, I noticed a fuchsia sock lying…

Thursday Three: Recent Reminders to Enjoy My Kids

The cliché that the childhood years pass “in the blink of an eye” is so overused it basically has no…

Four Reasons Moms Make Great Coworkers

When you work at home, the occasional face-to-face meeting with the people you usually email all day long is refreshing.…

40 Years of Marriage: When Young Love Lasts

As I was transferring appointments, birthdays, travel dates, etc. to my 2014 calendar this morning, I realized that on January…

When Grandma Chaperones the Field Trip

Since my daughter-in-law needs to spend time with the newest granddaughter, I have taken over some of the carpooling for the Big…

Not Old Enough to Have a Teenager, But I Do

I am officially the mother of a teenager! My oldest child is now thirteen! I’m not sure who is supposed…

50 Years in the Workforce: A Look Back

Last month, I left my job of 10.5 years. I am grateful for the experience, the friends I made and…