Mumbling Mommy

The never-ending weekend might not be something we can all achieve. While we would wish that work wouldn’t roll around every Monday, it does (for most). With weekends being so short, it is good to understand how to make the most of them. Pursuing unwinding rituals over a weekend will help you feel rejuvenated and ready to take on a new week.

Making the most of your weekends doesn’t need to involve rushing around and seeing every family member and friend. A good balance of socializing, entertainment, and daily self-care practices will help you enjoy the best weekends. 

Here, we will explore the top unwinding rituals for a rejuvenating weekend. 

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto:

Pursue a mindless activity

Wasting away your weekend with late nights and too much screen time isn’t ideal. However, pursuing a mindless activity for an hour or so is. 

If you have endured a stressful week, it is good to pursue a mindless activity as it helps distract your mind. When you finish the mindless activity, it might be easier to unwind and pursue other self-care rituals as your mind is looser and more present. 

For example, you could spend an hour playing the minesweeper game or knitting. Doing anything that you know will help you unwind is a great way to start your rejuvenating weekend.

Don’t make too many plans

Committing to too many weekend plans isn’t going to help you start the new week feeling refreshed. The fewer plans you have, the more time you can spend relaxing and unwinding. 

Making a plan or two is fine if you want to get a sense of rejuvenation. Set the plans at a time that suits you and enables you to still get time to rest. If you have a busy weekend, ensure that the following is free of commitments. A balance will help you stay rested while enjoying yourself.

Make time to lie on the sofa

A great weekend ritual for ultimate relaxation is to make time to lie on the sofa. While you might dislike the idea of feeling ‘lazy,’ it is necessary if you watch to relax and rest your mind and body properly. 

It is more difficult to rest properly when we sit up in an uncomfortable chair. Yes, you might spend longer in bed during the weekend, but that doesn’t mean you can’t lie on the sofa for an hour. Spending your time resting somewhere other than your bedroom will encourage you to rest between your weekend plans.

Cook new dishes

There’s no better time to try cooking new dishes at home than the weekend. The freedom and lack of time restrictions enable you to spend as much time as you wish cooking new things and trying new flavors. 

Whether you want to become a better home chef or fill your body with nourishing foods, the weekends are a great time to practice your skills and put new meals on the table. Cooking is a therapeutic activity that can help you unwind while honing new skills.

Get out for a nature walk

Going outside for a natural walk is a guaranteed way to unwind your mind and relax your body. While it is good to rest on the sofa for a while, moving your body is equally as important. 

Nature walks help calm the mind and give you a sense of presence. Avoiding your phone (or leaving it at home) will help you stay focused on your surroundings and return home feeling rejuvenated. Always keep your head up and look around on nature walks; you will instantly feel calm and grateful.

Indulge in the self-care routines you don’t make time for during the week

Self-care rituals are essential for positive well-being. If you lack time during the week due to a busy work schedule or other commitments, spend time at the weekend fulfilling your self-care needs. 

You might enjoy meditating, which you could practice on a bench when you go on a nature walk. Or, you might wish to spend time reading in the bath. Whatever self-care rituals make you feel centered and relaxed should be pursued when you have the time at the weekends. 

Try meditation

Speaking of meditation, it is a great thing to incorporate into your weekend. Deep relaxation can be achieved by including mindfulness and meditation in your weekend routine. By assisting you in maintaining present-moment awareness, these techniques lessen worry and foster inner serenity. Locate a peaceful area where you can sit comfortably without being bothered. 

Take ten to fifteen minutes to meditate or engage in mindfulness techniques like guided imagery or deep breathing. You can mentally reset with this practice and get ready for the coming week with clarity and focus.

See a friend or attend a family event

Some people enjoy spending time with others to help them relax. Whether it provides a distraction or a sense of joy, seeing a friend or attending a family event at the weekend is good if it helps you feel rejuvenated. 

Certain friends might help recharge your battery, while some drain it. Be aware of those who warm you up and recharge your battery—those are the people you should spend your time with.

Say no when you are tired

If you are tired and need alone time, you can say no. A firm no to an invite allows you to prioritize yourself. 

You shouldn’t drain your energy when you have none to spare. The best thing to do when you are tired is to pursue rest and rejuvenation activities at home throughout the weekend to help you recharge. 

Sleep in

Getting extra sleep at the weekend is an excellent idea if you want to recharge your battery. Sleeping in doesn’t require a midday wake-up time. You might wake up at 6 a.m. during the week. Hence, waking up at 8 a.m. (or lying in if you wake up early) will help you get more rest and get more energized. 

If you sleep with your blinds open during the week, it might help if you close them for the weekend to block out natural light in the morning. Complete darkness can help the body rest longer, helping you get more sleep. 

Switch off for a few hours (or longer if possible)

Switching off requires no screen time. If you spend a lot of time on your phone most days, try leaving it somewhere out of reach so that you can enjoy a few hours unwinding. If you can spend longer without your screens, that would be ideal. 

Avoiding screens is ideal before bed, as it helps relax your brain and prepare it for sleep. The more time you spend without your phone at the weekend, the more rejuvenated you feel will.

Create a weekly to-do list at the end of the weekend 

Preparing for the week ahead is a sure way to feel focused when a new, busy week begins. Creating a to-do list for the upcoming week on a Sunday evening will allow you to know what you have planned and get prepared. This will avoid extreme burnout as you can list priorities and get everything ready so that the busy schedule is as stress-free as possible.

You can start a to-do list with a list of priorities so that you can be sure to focus on them. Write down any small task that needs completing, too. This will guarantee you have the entire following weekend free.

Get creative

Engaging in artistic endeavors can be a great way to express and relax. Engaging in creative activities, such as painting, writing, cooking, or playing an instrument, releases tension and connects with one’s inner creativity. 

Set aside some time on the weekend to engage in a creative endeavor that delights you. This can not only be an enjoyable and rewarding experience but also help you detach from ideas about work and revitalize yourself. Doing both mindless and creative activities is distracting and relaxing.

Get moving (more than walking)

Moving during the weekend is a fantastic way to improve your attitude and energy levels. Exercise releases natural mood enhancers called endorphins. Scheduling 30 minutes to move on one of the two days is a great way to take good care of yourself and better your health.

Whether your preference is for a run, a bike ride, a yoga class, or the gym, being active can help lower stress and improve sleep quality. Make an enjoyable activity a regular part of your weekend schedule.

Get involved with aromatherapy

Using essential oils in aromatherapy helps people feel more at ease and healthier. They are a natural and inexpensive way to help your mind and body drift into a state of relaxation. 

Aromas with sedative qualities include eucalyptus, lavender, and chamomile. Essential oils can be applied during a massage, diffused, or added to your bath. They are great to use before bed as they help you sleep quicker and longer. Aromatherapy can help you relax and de-stress by fostering a calming atmosphere.

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