Mumbling Mommy

Self-care… there’s almost no way you can have missed this term over the past few years; it’s been everywhere. However, the good news is that it’s been everywhere for all the right reasons, and self-care is actually a great idea. It’s something you should try to incorporate into your life every day. 

Even better is the fact that it’s never too late to start a good self-care routine, and once you know how you can make it part of your daily life, you’ll easily be able to get into good habits, and your life will improve as a result. With that in mind, here are some ways to make sure you practice self-care every day. 

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch


Exercise isn’t always the most fun thing you can do – not everyone likes being active – but it’s important because it will keep you fit and healthy, ensure you’re more mobile, and it’s an excellent way to practice self-care. 

The good thing about exercise is that it releases endorphins into the bloodstream, and these give you a natural mood boost, meaning that even if you weren’t much looking forward to exercising before, once you get into it, you’ll start to enjoy it much more. It’s getting started that’s hard, which is why attending a specialist weight loss clinic such as Carlsbad Weight Loss Medical Clinic can help. 

Once you get your weight loss journey underway, any exercise you do will just make things better – you’ll be able to see the results more easily. That should be motivation enough to practice self-care in the form of exercise every day if you possibly can. 

Drink A Glass Of Water First Thing

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? A lot of people reach for their phones and check their notifications, read the news, or look at the weather report. Others will start making coffee and breakfast. Some might take a shower and get dressed. 

The ones who are really thinking about their self-care, however, will drink a glass of water before they do anything else. 

Why is this important? Well, it’s clear that having something to drink when you wake up is vital – you’ve been asleep for around eight hours or so, and you won’t have had anything to drink during that time, so you need to rehydrate yourself quickly. If you wait until your coffee is brewed, your kettle boils for tea, or even until your smoothie is blended, your body will start to struggle, and you’ll feel sluggish and unenergized. You’ll also be trying to catch up all day and burn more energy as a result, ending up more tired than you normally would. When you drink a glass of water, you’ll refresh yourself right away and not have to wait, so your body can get to work waking up and doing what it needs to do. You can have your hot morning drink later on, but having that one glass of water (which you can even get ready and leave by your bed so you can grab it before you do anything else) means you’re practicing self-care from the moment you open your eyes. 

Make A List Of Things You’re Grateful For 

There isn’t always a lot of time for self-care, which is one of the reasons why a lot of people don’t do it – they just have too many other things to do that are just as important (and often feel more important, even if they’re not). Yet we know that practicing self-care makes us more relaxed, less stressed, and generally happier and healthier, so surely there’s a little time in your day to do it? 

The answer is there will be time – it only takes a few minutes each evening to write down a list of all the things that happened or the things that you thought and felt that day during the day, and that is itself a form of self-care. 

The thing is that everyone has bad days, and the issue is that those bad days get stuck in the mind and become all you can think about, often overriding the good days, which is a shame – and it’s terrible for your mental health as well. By taking a couple of minutes each night before you go to sleep to write down anything, from the largest to the smallest thing, that makes you grateful and happy, you’ll be refocusing your mind, boosting your mental health, and practicing easy self-care. Plus, the next time you have a bad day, you can read through your gratitude journal and remember the good times, and hopefully that will improve your mood as well. 

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