Mumbling Mommy

If you’re trying to improve your dog’s behavior, then you need to make sure that you take a holistic approach to it. There are all manner of influences on their behavior, from how they are trained to things in their environment. Food is another contributing factor. Here, we’re going to look at the role food has to play, how some foods can have negative effects, and how making some changes can see your dog’s behavior improve.

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Know what’s hidden in your dog food

Not all dog food is created with their best nutrition in mind. There are plenty of products out there that are designed to do the bare minimum and, indeed, they might have ingredients that are not easy to pick out. Hidden sugars in dog food are a problem, for instance. Too much of this sugar can lead to issues with weight gain, as well as diabetes. This can make a dog lethargic, less energetic, and even less accepting or seeking affection and company.

The importance of quality protein

Good sources of protein are vital for any and all dogs. You want to make sure that they get enough and that those proteins are easy for them to absorb, with the fats and amino acids they need to go alongside them. Low levels of protein are likely to make a dog more depressed or more prone to bad moods, for instance. Meanwhile, low-quality protein is likely to make them more excitable and harder to control. Animal proteins tend to be the best for them.

The role of supplements

While what their food is lacking can influence your dog’s behavior, you should also think about what you can add to improve it, as well. Dogs may not necessarily need supplements, but products like an all day calming bone can have a profound impact on dogs that show stress or anxious behavior during the day. It can help them mellow out more, and be less reactive to stressful triggers. They can also help dogs that experience separation anxiety, reducing the chances of them barking all day or doing damage to your furniture if they are left alone in the home.

Caring for their cognitive health

A dog’s diet can also impact their cognitive health, just like it can for humans. In particular, one common issue among dogs is cognitive dysfunction syndrome. This can result in changes in your pet’s behavior and changes to how they sleep, and they may seem confused or disoriented more often. Improving their food and diet can prevent the onset of CDS, with a particular focus on using ingredients like coconut oil, which has high amounts of medium-chain triglycerides. There are also medications available from the vet, but they may recommend a combination of both medicine and diet.

Any dietary changes should be made with the backing of the vet. Not only might they be able to recommend options, but they can also make sure that none of those changes will have interactions with their medication or existing health issues.

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