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This month, I am putting the regular Photography Tip on the back burner, and addressing Mother’s Day photography from a “Memory Keepers” position.

As mothers we tend to document everything with our children, snapping photographs of Susie’s first steps,  Timmy’s lost tooth, and just plain ordinary days at the park and zoo, relishing our children because we want to remember & capture these moments.  More times than not, we are behind the camera, not in front of it.

Mother’s Day Photography Tips

Time passes too quickly, and before we know it, our kids are grown, we are old, and they no longer think Mom’s cool to hang out with.  Or Dad for that matter.   As we know, time changes our perspectives, and it will change theirs also.  They will long for the day to take a stroll down memory lane, looking at photographs with their children, telling stories of “when I was a little girl, grandma & I would…..”

This Mother’s Day make a promise to yourself & to your children that you will step in front of the camera with them. Set up a tripod, contact your local photographer (If you happen to be in Oxford Michigan, I’m available), or swap taking snap shots with your friends to capture these moments.

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Category: Moms

Tags: Cara