Katie Parsons – Author

Learn more about my manuscripts in progress – full proposals and samples available upon request at [email protected].
Next Generation Alzheimer’s: Can we reverse the inevitable?
Nonfiction, research/narrative
Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S. — more than prostate and breast cancers combined — yet is often treated as normal (if tragic) part of the aging process. This book combines interviews with dozens of children or grandchildren of Alzheimer’s patients, expert interviews, research and narrative from the author (a potential third-generation Alzheimer’s patient) to attempt to answer the question: Is it coming for me next?
Unexpected Emme: A upbeat memoir about single pregnancy
Nonfiction, memoir
When Katie Parsons found herself unexpectedly pregnant at the age of 24 following a drunken fling, she had two choices: abort the fetus and move on with her up-and-coming new career in journalism or go through with a single pregnancy and motherhood, with positivity as a compass. This memoir recants first-time mother naivety, conversations from a distance with Evangelical parents, ballooning up in front of an entire newsroom and the kindness of strangers.
Kat Kafarski, the Southie Sleuth
Young adult fiction
Twelve-year-old Kat Kafarski lives with her mom, a newspaper archivist, in downtown Chicago. On Saturday morning Kat stumbles upon something in the photo archives of the newspaper where her mom works that holds the clues to solving the mysterious disappearance of a young opera singer — and could be the key to also solving a 50-year-old unsolved disappearance.
Knocked Up, but Not Out: Finding your authenticity and owning it
Nonfiction, self-help
How often do we allow the stories others tell us about ourselves to actually shape us? What narrative drives why we get up in the morning, look a certain way, work in a particular job and more? Tapping into who you truly are and then owning it is the secret to fulfilment, success and building a life you love. Author Katie Parsons shares about times in her life when she rejected the story written by others in favor of her own plot — including life as a single mother, stepmother, work-from-home writer and rumored high school slut.
How to Earn Six Figures as a Freelance Writer
Nonfiction, Career
Since 2011, Katie Parsons has worked as a freelance writer and editor and she has picked up some tricks along the way. This book talks about where to find work, the most common types of freelance writing gigs, red flags to avoid, tax liability and most importantly, how to charge enough to actually earn a living.
The Road Back
A feature film screenplay (completed)
Steve and Sarah Komanski were high school sweethearts who left home on a hitchhiking adventure in 1975 before eventually settling back down in their Midwest hometown to raise a family. When Sarah is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, Steve plans a journey to revisit all of their old haunts.
Dear Shirley June
A play for the stage
In an old aluminum lockbox sits 200 letters from Joseph Stoligraw sent to his sweetheart Shirley June Rose when he was away on military service in 1946 and 1947. This play explores those letters, as well as the trials, tribulations and triumphs of their life together following the letters. This play is based on the real letters, still in existence.
The Awakening
A film adaptation of Kate Chopin’s book of the same name
Katharine Dunbar lives a bougee life as the wife of a successful software developer and mother of two healthy, happy sons. Yet one summer she finds herself questioning everything – including her fidelity.