Mumbling Mommy

The period between the age of 6 and the age of 12 is crucial for your young child to develop into a strong and healthy teen. You might think that it is too early at this age to worry about your child’s fitness.

However, committing to their fitness at this point will lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle in their adult years. After enrolling them in preschool dance lessons as toddlers, it is time for regular physical activities. This article discusses ways to ensure the fitness of your 6- to 12-year old kid. 

Fitness at Home 

While it is true that they engage in organized sports and physical activities in school. It is not usually not enough, especially when they come home to sit playing video games all through the rest of the day. It is essential to keep them active in the home and below are tips to help you achieve that.

  •  Physical Activities: There is no question about it, physical activity is crucial for the fitness of your child. This is why it is important to incorporate these activities in their daily life, even away from school. The classification of physical activities for your child are: 

– Bone and Muscle Strengthening Activities: These are activities such as tennis, running, basketball, jumping rope and hop-scotch.

– Aerobic Activities: Activities in this category include riding a bicycle, playing football and running.  

– Social Activities: Social activities are a great way for the family to bond while keeping fit at the same time. Social activities include hikes, playing catch, swimming as well as ball games.

  • Limit Sedentary Activities: Kids enjoy playing online games and watching TV. If left at these activities, they can be sitting in one position all day. It is important to limit these activities in order to ensure that your kids move enough and have enough playtime outdoors. Set rules for TV and video games, restricting to only a few hours in a week. 

Advantage of Fitness For Your Child

Ensuring that your child engages in activities that keep them fit has numerous benefits for their all-around development. Through physical activities, kids can stay fit and sound. They learn physical skills like catching, kicking, throwing and jumping, which can help them in real-life situations. They also learn important skills such as tolerance, goal-getting, sportsmanship as well as team spirit. It also helps to build their confidence and self-esteem. In the long run, they can even pursue a career in sports. 

Ensuring The Safety of Your Child

 Physical activities can get rough at times and come with the risk of injuries. It is therefore necessary for you to provide your kids with appropriate gear for their safety. Protective pads, helmets, shin guards to protect them when they are outdoor. 


Overall, it is important create a safe environment for your child at all times. Do not overwork them and always allow them to take breaks whenever it is needed. 

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