Mumbling Mommy

Working from home is something that has totally changed things – usually for the better – for parents, and especially mothers who have historically often found it hard to juggle a career and motherhood. And on paper, remote working does sound fantastic – there’s no commute,  more flexiblity, and you can keep up with all the other things you have to do around the house on a day-to-day basis at pretty much the same time. In reality, though, remote work can sometimes feel like too much is happening all at once, so it doesn’t always seem like the best option. However, with some handy hints and tips, it’s possible to make remote work actually work for you – so keep reading to find out more. 

Photo by Yan Krukau

Create A Routine That Works For You

Coming up with a basic daily routine can be so helpful, even if it’s a little different each day depending on what it is you’ve got to do, where you’ve got to be, and anything else that’s happening in your life. One thing that’s very useful is having regular working hours as well as dedicated family time, plus some breaks in the day to help you refocus and relax a little more. 

Of course, the most important thing is to be flexible, especially when there are younger children in the mix. For example, if your best working hours are early in the morning or when the kids are having a nap, then that’s what you need to do – and remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all way of doing all this, which is why you’ve got to work it out for yourself. 

Don’t Forget About Yourself

You’ll have a lot to do when you’re a working parent, that’s for sure, and because of that it can be easy to forget about taking proper care of yourself. But the thing is that stepping away from your screen to go for a little walk, do some stretching, or just make a snack and a cup of tea, for example, can really make a difference and give you more energy and focus, so in the end, breaks can make you more productive. 

It’s also important to pay attention to your physical comfort because if you’re working in a space that isn’t designed to be an office (like a dining chair or at the kitchen table, for example), you might end up being in pain or even having an injury. It’s really important to be aware of your rights in this kind of setup, and speaking with workers’ compensation attorneys can be helpful as you’ll get all the facts and know what you can ask your employers for to help you stay comfortable and productive at home. 

Set Good Boundaries

When your office is also your kitchen or your bedroom or the living room, it’s so crucial to set some boundaries for you and everyone else in the house. So that could mean clearly defining your working hours, for example, and letting family members know when you can’t be interrupted – it might feel a bit harsh at first, but when you realise it means you get more done and you’re less stressed, which then means you get more time with your family and feel happier in general, you’ll see it it’s worth it. 

Remember, working from home might not be perfect, but for a lot of people it’s better than the alternative, and it means a lot more freedom to enjoy family life, so once you’ve put in some effort to create a routine, keep going. 

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