Mumbling Mommy

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Eating a varied and well-balanced diet is key to helping you look younger, feel better and retain your youthful appearance.

Knowing what constitutes a healthy diet and what type of health noise and misinformation to cut out can help you learn the right foods to fuel your body with, how to eat for health and well-being in a way that works for you, and exactly what your diet needs to include.

However, not everyone can get everything they need from their diet. Whether you have allergies that eliminate certain foods or even whole food groups, such as seafood or nuts, or you simply dislike certain foods, meaning you are at risk of becoming deficient, finding ways to give your body what it needs is vital.

This is where supplements come into play. While you should be, of course, getting as many of your vitamins and minerals from whole food sources, for those who don’t or can’t, supplements can be the next best thing.

With the global dietary supplement industry worth over 150 billion USD, it’s safe to say that there are many beneficial and not-so-valuable supplements on the market marketed toward those who want to look and feel good. This post will look at the best supplements to take to boost your health.

Vitamin D

We all know by now that the body produces vitamin D from sun exposure. However, did you know that nearly 88% of Americans don’t get the exposure they need to keep their vitamin D levels topped up?

You need to be out in sunlight for at least 15 minutes per day to allow your body to produce enough vitamin D. But why is it important, you ask? Vitamin D is essential for bone integrity, normal inflammatory response, proper calcium absorption and much more. It’s an essential vitamin, and if you aren’t getting enough exposure for whatever reason, adding a high-quality D3 Supplement to your daily routine can top up these levels and ensure you aren’t deficient.


Gut health has become increasingly popular in recent years. Gut health plays a big part in how you feel and how your body absorbs nutrients. The better your gut performs, the healthier you will be.

It’s important to know that the gut contains both good and bad bacteria; a good balance between the two is vital for optimal gut health. You can eat a range of foods to help you support gut health, including ginger, garlic, kefir, kombucha and sauerkraut. But if you don’t eat any or enough of these foods, then topping up your probiotics via supplements can be an excellent alternative to support gut health.


Magnesium plays an integral part in your health, and different types of magnesium are beneficial in various ways. Your body needs magnesium for more than 600 enzyme reactions within the body, and WHO estimates around 75% of Americans are deficient in magnesium or aren’t getting their recommended daily dose. Low magnesium can cause poor vitamin D absorption, weak bones, heartbeat and blood pressure irregularities, and much more. So, if you experience any side effects from magnesium deficiency, it’s slowly topped up with supplements just in case.

Fish Oil

It is recommended that adults have at least 3 servings of oily fish in their diet per week. However, many people don’t meet this level regularly. This is where fish oil supplements come into play. Fish oil supplements provide the body with much-needed omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for proper respiratory, cardiovascular, immune and musculoskeletal health. Most people need to take around 500-900 mg of omega-3 fatty acids to meet recommended levels, and while this is preferable from food sources, using high-quality supplements can help you meet these levels daily.


Under 20% of the American population meet their recommended fruit intake each day, and even fewer eat the recommended amount of vegetables on a daily basis. If this is you, then you need to start looking at topping up what you’re not getting from food sources. A good multivitamin can include a range of vitamins and minerals that can support good health and help you to remain healthy. Multivitamins come in many forms and include a variety of different factors for good health. So knowing what you are buying and what is in them will help you to determine what each one is and if it’s right for you. Some combine all of the above suggestions; others may include one or two to help you avoid taking too many supplements each day.

Your body needs a range of vitamins and minerals to function properly every day. While it’s undoubtedly best to get these from nutritious whole foods, finding the right supplements can help you top up any that you aren’t getting via your diet.

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