Mumbling Mommy

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Packed lunches are an essential part of many family’s day. If you work away from home, a packed lunch can save you money as you don’t have to worry about buying food daily at work. It will also save your waistline because you can control what you eat. Your children might also take packed lunches to school.

However, packed lunches do have a reputation for being a bit, well, sad. When you think of a packed lunch, you might think of a soggy, squished sandwich hurriedly shoved in a bag along with a packet of chips and maybe some chocolate. It’s uninspired, unhealthy, and might leave you thinking longingly about the takeouts and restaurants near your workplace.

So, how can you improve your packed lunches?

Plan Ahead

The worst packed lunches come about because of a lack of planning. Have you ever been in a situation where you’re already cutting it close for work, so you quickly shove whatever you can put together into your lunch bag? 

Rather than leave it to the last minute, plan your packed lunches in advance. Put them together the night before or even consider meal prepping so that you are ready to pack your lunch and go. Planning will help you to put together a tasty, balanced meal that will satisfy you throughout the day.

Use Good Containers

One of the biggest causes of a ruined packed lunch is an insufficient container. This is what leads to those squashed sandwiches and misshapen snacks. 

You need a container that will keep your food safe and well-preserved. Ideally, an insulated container will keep cold food cool and can even keep hot food hot, depending on how well-insulated the container is. 

This means that you can enjoy other options for your packed lunches and you don’t need to worry about your unrefrigerated food getting past its best, especially on hot days. 

Improve Your Recipes

Another issue plaguing packed lunches is the lack of variety. Even if you really like cheese sandwiches and you make a great cheese sandwich, you’re going to get sick of it after a while.

So, mix up your packed lunches and find some more imaginative options. Pasta salad can be a great option for a packed lunch, as it’s filling, tasty, healthy, and can be made in advance. If you have an insulated container, you can have warm packed lunches such as stews and curries, which would be especially nice on cold days.

It’s often said that variety is the spice of life, but you should also try to include spices and seasonings in your food to make it even more delicious. If you’re trying to eat healthier, then look for easy lunch recipes that cover all of your health goals and that you and your kids will enjoy.

Ready-Made Packed Lunch Options

If you find that you’re struggling to fit in time to make a tasty packed lunch every day, consider a ready-made option. Your children might appreciate the kids’ meal delivery option that allows them to customize their packed lunches and enjoy healthy, tasty food when they’re at school.

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