Mumbling Mommy


Hearing loss isn’t something that only happens to other people, and you should be sure that you’re educated enough to know if you or someone else you know is experiencing hearing loss. It’s not always easy to spot, even as the person experiencing it, so knowing more about it can prove to be very helpful throughout your life. Not only that but there are a lot of misconceptions that people have about hearing loss, so there’s no harm in learning more.

It can affect anyone

A common misconception of hearing loss is that it only affects people who are older in age. While it’s true that hearing loss is more common in the elderly population, your hearing can become damaged at any age, and it is something that you should look out for. You should also know that how you treat your hearing health at a younger age makes it more likely for you to have hearing difficulties at an older age.

Even children can experience hearing loss, and if you’re not taking the proper precautions to educate your children on caring for their hearing health, they’re at risk. 

It can be treated

Hearing loss isn’t necessarily something that’s curable, but it does have a treatment that can help. Hearing aids are being used by many all over the world as a means of restoring hearing, and it’s very effective. Hearing aids and assistive technologies have come a long way and work well to integrate with a modern way of life while having a minimal impact on what you can and cannot do. Not only that but there are a number of different types of hearing aids, making it easier to find the right choice for each person experiencing hearing loss.

The causes of hearing loss

Hearing loss is something that can affect anyone, and that’s because there are a wide range of different causes. It’s important to know that some forms of hearing loss are not permanent, and some forms are. For example, hearing loss that has been caused as a result of an ear infection may go away a few weeks after your symptoms have cleared up. On the other hand, hearing loss caused by too much exposure to loud noises, hearing loss caused by certain diseases, and certain medications can be permanent.

You should ensure that you’re doing everything you can to prevent your hearing health from being damaged, as well as making sure your kids are also aware of the implications of hearing damage. Looking after your ears is a must, as treatment options for hearing loss are limited. Here are some of the causes of hearing loss that you should be aware of:

  • Exposure to loud noises
  • Trauma to the ear
  • Smoking
  • Ear infections
  • Meningitis
  • Nutrition deficiency

As you can see, these are experiences that anyone could have throughout their lifetime, so it’s important to be aware of the causes so that they can be avoided as much as possible.

The symptoms of hearing loss

Knowing the symptoms of hearing loss is incredibly important for multiple reasons. In some cases, friends and family of an individual experiencing hearing loss might notice it before they do it themselves. Knowing what the symptoms are can help you to spot it early, and can get you ready to seek treatment for it as soon as possible.

  • Asking others to repeat themselves
  • Needing the TV to be louder than usual
  • Phonecalls difficult to understand
  • Feeling tired and stressed while having a conversation.

Hearing loss can make communication much more difficult, which may lead individuals to avoid social situations in which they would have to try hard to listen. Conversations can become tiring and will lead those experiencing hearing loss to feel isolated as they avoid talking to others. Not only that, but things like speaking on the phone can be even more difficult, as there are no hand gestures or expressions to read to make things easier to understand. Hearing loss is connected with declining mental health, and you should look out for the symptoms when possible.

Who to go to

If you believe you’re experiencing hearing loss, you should know that there are multiple hearing healthcare professionals that you can go to. Seeing your primary care practitioner about your symptoms can give you a better idea of what kind of treatment you need, and they may refer you to a hearing health professional, such as an Audiologist. It’s important that you don’t hesitate to have your hearing sorted, as treatments such as hearing aid can help to restore a higher quality of life.

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