Youth sports are such a great part of childhood. Many parents realize all of the important reasons why your child should play sports of do an extracurricular activity of some sort. The hard part is that youth sports have become extremely time consuming, placing extraordinary demands on the organizational abilities of parents who work outside of the home. These demands place a lot of stress on families; time, money, and logistics become quite challenging.
Many mom’s strive to keep track of every family member’s obligations, from school to sports to doctor appointments and more. Desk calendars, smart phones, 16 by 20 wall calendars, notes, three-ring binders all work to help make sure you’re at the right place at the right time. Just getting kids to all of their activities with the right belongings can be exhausting to think about, unless you learn how to organize, prioritize and plan ahead. Here are ways to help you stay organized during sports season.
Have a Home for All Sports Necessities
Other than when uniforms are in the laundry, everything should be in its place. A sports bag should hang from a hook with any necessary sporting equipment such as balls, a helmet, shin guards, a mitt, etc. Teach kids to help remember where there items are so you don’t have to do it all on your own.

Keep a Bag of Extra Things Your Child May Need in the Car
You never know when your child may need an extra change of clothes after a muddy game, a clean pair of socks, another water bottle, or a snack. Keep extra things on hand so you don’t find yourself in a pinch in the weather is different than what you expected. It’s also smart to keep an extra ball in the car too.
Pack Sports Mom Essentials in the Car
Your player needs to have their uniform and equipment, but you need to be comfortable too! Make sure to have the mom-essentials you may need in the car too:
-Umbrella for rain…but also for shade on those hot days
-Rain jacket
-Phone charger
-A change of shoes
-Portable/collapsible chair
-Contact information for the coach and other parents, especially if your child plays travel sports
-First Aid Kit
Learn to Multi-Task
Does your player have a long practice? There are some things you can do! Bring your tennis shoes and walk with another parent, pay some bills, meal plan, or run an errand (if you’re allowed to leave your child at practice). You can even clean out your car or purse, or work on your lap top. Practice time doesn’t have to be wasted time.
Sports season can be insane between numerous practices each week in the evenings after work and long weekend days away from home. Make sure to use these tips to help make the days flow and stay productive. Don’t forget to use this crock pot beef stroganoff recipe to make sure you have dinner ready when you get home!
Category: Mom LessonsTags: Back to school