Katie Katie Parsons is the creator of Mumbling Mommy and is a freelance writer, editor and communications specialist. She works from her home office on the east coast of Florida. Most often she writes about life in a combined family of five children and what it's like being a full time work-from-home parent. Feel free to pitch guest post ideas or just drop her a line at katie@mumblingmommy.com.

Kids add a lot to our lives, and I don’t just mean in the way of extra bills and gray hair. There are just some things that really wouldn’t be the same without our little mini-mes around. This isn’t to say that childfree people are missing out. Having kids is like playing Candy Crush for the first time. Your life will never be the same after mastering that first challenge, but you would certainly be more sane and have more time without it. But I digress… just admit that you would actually really really miss these things if you didn’t have kids:

10 Things You’d Miss If You Didn’t Have Kids

1. The calories you burn heading to the kitchen to reheat your morning cup of coffee 10 times before it is gone.

2. The embarrassing…ly cute questionnaires that they make for Mother’s Day that basically call you a couch potato who eats fast food a lot.

3. When your toddler discovers emoticons, and is able to text your thoughts with startling accuracy.

4. Your all-powerful ability to ruin lives (DESTROY THEM!) with the mere suggestion that your kids pick up their dirty underwear from the middle of the kitchen floor.

5. Your FREE human voice recorders that know when to play back exactly the thing you don’t want to hear again at the worst possible time.

6. The snacks. Let’s face it — what child free adult would buy Goldfish, Ice Pops or those overpriced toddler Puff things that taste surprisingly incredible after a library story time?

7. The FREE advice!! And so much of it! Advice from so many strangers who you didn’t even have to ASK to give it to you!!

8. Your heightened vocabulary that includes such contemporary additions as “Boppy,” “Bjorn” and “Idina Menzel.”

9. Your built-in excuses when anything at all goes wrong, you are late, you are dirty or you just plain don’t want to do something.

10. Your psychic ability to predict to the second when someone will be hungry, thirsty, tired or completely lose his or her mind in public.

Life would just be plain different if you didn’t have kids — and a lot less interesting, to say the least. Kids bring out the silly, the childish and the best in their parents — and maybe a few gray hairs too.

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Photo credit (in order):

photo credit: SurFeRGiRL30 via photopin cc

Katie Parsons (points 2, 3 and 4)

photo credit: Lotus Carroll via photopin cc

photo credit: kamagurka via photopin cc

photo credit: Nomadic Lass via photopin cc

photo credit: tempusfugate via photopin cc

photo credit: One Way Stock via photopin cc

photo credit: designwallah via photopin cc

Category: Family Free Time

Tags: Katie