There is a common ice breaker game played in women’s groups concerning the contents of each player’s purse. It’s an amusing game for me because 1.) I am absolutely shocked by the things women feel the need to carry around everywhere they go and 2.) My purse is so empty that the only thing I can do is watch. I never win the game. Never. For fun, I thought we could play a virtual game for moms along similar lines: What’s in Your Diaper Bag? (Please note I’ll probably lose this game, too. I pack lightly.)
So the diaper bag I carry is the Skip Hop Duo Deluxe Double. I love this bag more than any other baby accessory I have. Seriously. I recommend it to anyone and everyone who has two or more children in diapers at the same time. The contents today are actually rather boring considering everything this bag has seen over the last two years. In the infant days, for example, it often had full water bottles on the sides to make fresh formula bottles, the bottles for the babies, the little organized pre-measured formula cup thing, pacifiers, more blankets, even more diapers (since I started out with three in diapers for the first year). On trips to the Zoo it would have a giant bag of snacks in it, my manual breast pump in case one of the babies wouldn’t latch in public (a common problem I had with my preemies), sunscreen and baby carriers.
Like I said, the diaper bag has seen its heyday. It held up well and we now embrace life with toddlers and a preschooler and ponder if a newborn will be a thing we have to pack for again. Here are the current daily contents (in no particular order):
My Diaper Bag Contents
- The changing pad that came with the bag
- A spare set of house keys
- Three mints
- Chapstick
- Eye drops (adult)
- Travel hand sanitizer
- Two “Scoopie” tokens from Culver’s
- Three toddler spoons and three toddler forks in a travel case
- Two Tiny Diners
- Pack of wipes
- Two sippy cup lid spout covers
- Scented trash bags for dirty diapers
- Handful of leftover napkins from Chipotle
- Five disposable diapers
- A muslin blanket
- Two samples of Desitin
- A sample of Vaseline
- A sample of hand moisturizer (adult)
- Two samples of baby lotion
- Two samples of SPF 100 sunscreen
- An SPF 55 sunscreen stick for cheeks
- A sample of Aquaphor
- A mini first aid kit
- Extra bandaids (in two different places)
- Two nail files and cuticle pusher
- Four disposable panty liners
- Moist wipes for sticky hands (like the kind they give you after you order a rack of BBQ ribs)
- A sample of Boogie Wipes
- Children’s dye-free Ibuprofen
- Children’s dye-free Tylenol
- Mylicon drops
- Teething tablets
- Two medicine droppers
- A collapsible cup
- A Boo-Boo Buddy Instant Cold Pack
- A rain poncho
- A nose bulb syringe
- Two more travel hand sanitizers
So, how does your bag compare? Surprised by anything on my list? (I am! I guess I don’t clean this thing out as often as I should … ) Hopefully aside from just having fun, this helped you prepare your own bag. Maybe it never occurred to you to put a spare key in the diaper bag, but you feel I’m a complete genius for thinking of it (Thank\ you!). Or maybe you often carry two dozen diapers and you’re wondering just HOW I manage with TWO kids and only five diapers. Whatever your takeaway is, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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Tags: diaper bag