Katie Katie Parsons is the creator of Mumbling Mommy and is a freelance writer, editor and communications specialist. She works from her home office on the east coast of Florida. Most often she writes about life in a combined family of five children and what it's like being a full time work-from-home parent. Feel free to pitch guest post ideas or just drop her a line at [email protected].


I’m getting my boobies back!  In a few weeks, I might even be able to buy a bra that really fits.  I have too big bras.  I have TOO SMALL bras.  I have previously-lacey-now-ratty-around-the-edges nursing bras from Target I bought for both girliepies.  I want more sexy stuff.

Today is the first day I am officially weaning my second and last bebe.  She has been nursing to go to sleep mostly, but now and then for closeness or neediness too.  She is 19 months.  I am pretty ready.  She is pretty not ready.

Oh yeah;  I am dumping the binky too except for bedtime.  You know, to sub for boobies.  Because silicone often stands in for boobies.  Right?

My first girl, Portia weaned herself too early for me at ten months.  Libby isn’t going to wean herself until college, methinks.  And so we actively begin the end.  We have been dallying about for several months.  Today is the day. Maybe.

I am avoiding the final unpacking from our vacation last week to tell you this.  That I am weaning.  Or she is.  Both of us.  Maybe I feel sad about it for me more than for her.  I know many of my mamas would encourage me to make the cover of Time magazine, but I know for us it is time to close up the Milky Bar.

So we have spent a lot more time cuddling today.  We have been reading more.  She’s been getting more to drink.  She’s a little crabby to loose both boob and bink, but I am OK with that.

Because I am going to get my boobies back.

Now how can I lift ’em back up where they belong?

Ideas, folks?

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Category: Babies

Tags: breastfeeding