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Photo via DoobyBrain.com. |
I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all heard the most
recent scandal. A New Jersey mom has been arrested for allegedly allowing her 6 year daughter to tan in a tanning bed. Check out the article.
I am fair skinned. I have red hair and freckles. I have to wear SPF 30 sunscreen just to go outside to get the mail. Okay, that is a joke, but you get the point! My daughters are all just as fair skinned as I am. Guess what? I do not tan. I do care about being tan. I do not spray tan. I do not use bronzing lotion. I am fair, pale skinned and I am beautiful. I do not understand this concept of “tan” being healthier or prettier. It simply is not true.
The mom, 44-year-old Patricia Krentcil DOES tan. She stated the arrest was a misunderstanding, that she takes her daughter on errands with her, which sometimes includes going to the tanning salon but that her daughter has never used a tanning bed. Krentcil is very, very tan herself. Some reports claim that she uses tanning beds five times a week.
The arrest came after a school nurse found severe burns on the child. The child is the one who said she tans with her mother. (I know my two year old has a wild imagination and frequently claims to have done or not done plenty of things. Kids tell fibs. BUT, I think that is an invalid point.) The child’s father states the burns came from the sun, not a tanning bed. Am I the only one that feels that regardless of where the burns came from, there is some form of child endangerment taking place. Children play outside. We all make mistakes and forget sunscreen sometimes, but for a child to be suffering from severe skin burns of the type explained in this case; to me it does not matter if they came from a tanning bed or the sun. The parents were still negligent.
Sun safety tips include always wearing a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Reapply according to the directions on your product and be sure it is not expired. Wear sunglasses and wide brimmed hats. Oh and avoid tanning beds. For more tips on sun safety as well as a list of the damage the sun can cause, check out Sun safety tips include always wearing a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Reapply according to the directions on your product and be sure it is not expired. Wear sunglasses and wide brimmed hats. Oh and avoid tanning beds. For more tips on sun safety as well as a list of the damage the sun can cause, check out Web MD’s overview.
I do not know what is going to come of the New Jersey case but I do think it is important for parents to set a good example for their children.
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