Meet Elizabeth

Elizabeth is a mom to Jonathan (4) and Lucas (2) and married
to Jeremy. She stays at home full time with the boys but also teaches part time
1-2 nights per week at a local university. In her former life she got a Masters
and a PhD, ABD (“All But Dissertation”) in Studies in Literature. She does not
enjoy being asked if/when she will ever get around to writing the
dissertation. She also teaches a class at her church and in her spare time
enjoys reading, cooking, spending time with family, and avoiding laundry.
Elizabeth and Jeremy are originally from the St. Louis area
(more or less), lived in Dallas for several years, and relocated back to St.
Louis in 2010. They have two dogs, Guinevere and Sirius Black, who have not yet
forgiven them for having children.

Read all of Elizabeth’s posts here.