Mumbling Mommy

Parenting teenagers is not an easy task for anyone — but it can also be a really rewarding time in the parent-child relationship. Don’t let constant power struggles or arguments over minor things damage that relationship. Read on for some ideas on how to best parent during the unique time of teenage-hood.

Be Calm and Retain Your Power

Always remember that you are the adult. You’ve had more life experience and have dealt with more conflict than your teen. Try to stay calm in the moment, even when your teens seems at his or her worst. Your job is to guide them through it to the other side — and to work through challenging times as a family.

Establish Clear Boundaries

Most teenagers aspire to gain self-dependence and are testing their self-awareness. It’s important for you as the parent to stay consistent but fair. If your teen asks to stay out later than you normally allow, consider letting them try it out with the caveat that the privilege will be revoked if not abided by perfectly.

Find Time for Them

The idea that teenagers are less work than their younger counterparts is false. They are not less work; it is just a different type of work. Make sure you are available when they need you and pay attention to when they seem to be wanting to talk to you, but may not yet have the courage to do so. If you have younger kids, Goodrich Daycare or your chosen provider may be a good option to schedule some one-on-one time with your teen.

Maintain Humor and Show Empathy

It would best demonstrate empathy in less severe scenarios with your teen. Don’t let everything become a battle. Teenagers tend to perceive persistent unsought advice to be fussy and annoying. You’ll get a lot farther by showing some leniency or at least not harping on every perceived flaw.

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